Netherwing - The Burning Crusade RealmBeyond the Dark Portal
NETHERWINGBase Realm Rates
Experience Rates
Honor rates
Profession rates
reputation rates
Why Netherwing?
Battle-tested CoreWe are using a long-lived AtlantissCore 2, used for multiple successful TBC realms in the past which ensures best stability, quality and performance.
Proven DevelopersThe Stormforge Team is composed of Atlantiss and Tauri members with decades of experience under our belts!
Helpful SupportOur support team is here to assist you with any issue you might have!
Cross-factionNetherwing will support cross-faction gameplay, allowing you to connect and group up with friends from Horde and Alliance at the same time, as well as use the same shared Auction House or participate in cross-faction Battlegrounds.
Dual-Talent SpecializationDual-Talent Specialization - allows you to switch between two different talent specializations. Can be learned at level 40.
Racial SwapPlay the race you want, pick the racial abilities you want. The days of being forced into a specific choice are long gone.
Dynamic and Party Shared Quest Items DropsBad luck prevention system ensures that it never takes too long to get the quest item you need. Quest items will also be shared with all party members when in group.
Multi-Client supportWith the Classic Client addition, Netherwing can now support three different clients! Choose between legacy 2.4.3, modified 3.3.5a, or the Classic Client based on your preferences.
Name ReservationYou will be able to connect to the realm on the 19th of February and reserve up to 3 character names per account.
Classic Game Client
The biggest addition to the upcoming realm is the Burning Crusade Classic Client support. Experience the vast plains of Nagrand, the beautiful swamps of Zangarmarsh and more with better graphics, higher frame rate, fewer ancient client-side bugs and more advanced addon and macro support through the Modern WoW client.
Quality of Life AdjustmentsBloodlust and Heroism now reset after every boss attempt, letting you maximize the number of pulls without having to wait for those cooldowns. In addition, almost every Burning Crusade raid boss encounter now has a close respawn spot, so you no longer have to worry about long corpse runs and can jump right back into action.
Item TradingYou can trade Bind-on-Pickup items for a period of time to other eligible party and raid members to correct any loot mistakes.
Heroic Dungeon DailiesHeroic dungeon daily quest will be available immediately from launch - and awards bonus badge of justice upon completion.
BRAND NEW DIFFICULTYNormal and Heroic Raid ModesApproach each raid boss on either Normal Mode, if you prefer something closer to the pre-nerf classic difficulty, or Heroic Mode if you’re up for a challenge and additional rewards. Swap the difficulty in-between attempts as you see fit.
Unique RewardsUpon completing an optional Heroic Raid Mode, you have a chance to obtain unique rewards.
Finely-Tuned DifficultyAll boss encounters on Heroic Raid Mode were finely crafted with leading guilds from our previous realms. Experience the pre-nerf versions of encounters like Al’ar, High Astromancer Solarian, Nightbane, Lady Vashj and more, with all of their unique flavours and abilities.
World PvP AdjustmentsA slight adjustments were made to make world pvp objectives in Outland something to consider besides arenas and battlegrounds.
Additional Arena FlushThere is now a second arena flush happening each sunday morning on top of the standard wednesday morning flush.
Queue From AnywhereYou can queue for both arenas and battlegrounds anywhere in the world with your character position saved on the instance enter.
Better Arena Points Distribution2v2 gives points according to 3v3 modifier, while 3v3 gives points according to 5v5 modifier every flush.
Arena Matchmaking ImprovementsDynamic Arena Matchmaking system continously expands rating difference bracket to find more teams to play against.
Unbalanced Profession Items DisabledSeveral unbalanced items (such as Nigh Invulnerability Belt) have been disabled in arenas.
Arena Preparation SkipNPCs present on Arena maps allow the teams to begin the match early, if all players declare themselves as ready.
No Heartbeat ResistsCrowd-control effects normally subject to periodic "Heartbeat Resists" will no longer have a chance to break prematurely.
Dynamic Diminishing ReturnsJust like in the original Burning Crusade release, Diminishing Returns will now have a random duration range from 15 to 20 seconds, instead of a fixed one.
PvP Multiboxing is not allowed!Multiboxing in all PvP situations is strictly forbidden.
Warsong Gulch maximum durationWarsong Gulch matches will now always end after 20 minutes have passed.
Anti-AFK and Report systemWe implemented additional measures to combat AFK-ing in Battlegrounds.
Rebalancing of Honor PointsIncreased Honor Points gained from capturing Battleground objectives to promote more healthier gameplay (Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, Eye of The Storm).
Repeatable QuestsAdded additional, repeatable quests to exchange Mark of Honors from Battlegrounds for bonus Honor Points.
Additional Daily QuestsAdded additional Daily Quests rewarding bonus Arena Points, Honor Points and unique Enlistment Bonus packages containing Badges of Justice, crafting materials, elixirs and potions to use in raid.
Reputation PvP GearPvP Reputation Gear will be available immediately at launch, requiring Honored standing with Outland factions.
Arena Season 1 Gear for Honor PointsMost of the Arena Season 1 Gear will additionally be available for Honor Points. Weapons and Shoulders Gear will only be purchasable for Arena Points, with Shoulders having an additional requirement of 2200 Arena Rating.
Prepare for Invasion!
Create an AccountIf you’re a first-time adventurer, or if you’re just looking for a fresh start.
Tier 4 and Tier 5 raids will be open approximately 2 weeks after launch, along with activation of arenas for the first PvP season.
Will dailies for Ogri'la, Skyguard, and Netherwing available on launch?
No - these will not be available until later.
Are raid attunements required?
Yes - attunements are necessary to enter Karazhan, Serpentshrine Cavern, and Tempest Keep.
Do I have to use the 2.5.2 classic client?
Although we highly recommend it, you do not have to use this client, the original 2.4.3 and our modified 3.3.5 clients will still work on Netherwing.
What reputation is required for heroic dungeons?
Revered reputation will be required to purchase and use the key necessary to enter heroics until a future patch.
How often are Arena points accumulated?
Arena flushes occur twice per week. Once on Wednesday and again on Sunday.
When can I use XP boost and will my membership status work on Netherwing Burning Crusade realm?
XP Boost will be available for purchase and Stormforge membership will be enabled shortly after every class first level 70.
Do I need to download the game client again?
Though you can continue playing with the existing 2.4.3 or modified 3.3.5a client we provided if you already have it, we highly recommend trying out the new, modern Classic Client for better experience. Game Clients provided by other servers are not supported and may not work, please use clients provided by us to avoid potential issues.
What will happen to my characters after progression is over?
Characters will continue to exist on the realm for you to play, the server will NOT progress to any future expansion.
How can I contact Stormforge Staff?
You can talk to us in game by using the built in support ticket system in the game interface. You can also join our Discord server and ask for assistance in the #support tab or email us directly at [email protected].